- unknown underlying cause of one or more incidents: Problem.
- known error: found root cause.
- work-around 暫時的修補動作。
- RFC (Request For Change)
- exam exists in RFC and problem management
- ASAP only in incident management, not in problem management.
- provid work-around for incident management
- PIR, Post implementation Review, from chg management to problem management.
- as long as incident don't have work-around pass to problem
- 可以定義找不到 root cause 的話,如何結案的流程。
- error sessement
- eliminate incident
Configuration Management
- CI, configuration item.
- configuration co-operate with change
- two dimension: scope, and detail.
- focus on relation of each CI, attribution of CI, and status of CI.
- when should do snapshot: product on line, cost analysis, backup
- CMDB change must pass through Change management
- CAB, Change Adisory Board
- EC, Emergency Commitee
- DSL, definitive software library
- DHS, definitive hardware store
- rollout 上線