星期三, 11月 24, 2004


�E A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.�@���n�ѡA��f����C
�E A good beginning makes a good ending.���l�̥�����סC
�E A good beginning is half the battle.���ԧi������@�b�ӧQ�C
�E A good appetite is a good sauce.�Ȥ��ܭ��C
�E A good anvil does not fear the hammer.�n�z������C
�E A full cup must be carried steadily.�M���աA����í�C
�E A full belly counsels well.�筹���ӫ᪾�a�d�C
�E After meat, mustard.�B��e�ʡC
�E After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile.���\���᧤���A�߶����ᨫ�@?�C
�E After dinner comes the reckoning.�Y�ܪ��֡A�ӥI�N��C
�E After death, the doctor.�񰨫ᬶ�C
�E After black clouds, clear weather.�_����ӡC
�E After a storm comes a calm.�_����ӡC
�E A friend without faults will never be found.�S�����I���B�ͬO�û��䤣�쪺�C
�E A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.�s��͡A�L�`��C
�E A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.��ͺC�A���ͧ֡C
�E A friend is never known till a man have need.����w��ɡA�û�����{�ѯu�����B�͡C
�E A friend is best found in adversity.�w��u�͡C
�E A friend is a second self.�B�ͬO�t�@�ӧڡC
�E A friend in need is a friend indeed.�w��B�ͤ~�O�u�B�͡C
�E A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.�䤤����A���p�¤����͡C
�E A friend exaggerates a man?s virtue, an enemy his crimes.�B�ͫŴ��H����w�A�ĤH�ؤj�H���o�L�C
�E A fox may grow grey, but never good.���W�|�ܡA�����C
�E A fool?s heart dances on his lips.�M�H�ߩZ���A���b�L�B�W�C

�E A fool?s bolt may sometimes hit the mark.�M�̤d�{�A�����@�o�C
�E A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.�@�M�ҥ��A�ʴ���^�C
�E A fool may give a wise man counsel.�M�̤d�{�A�����@�o�C
�E A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.�M�̩ҰݡA������C
�E A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer.�@�M�o�ݡA�C�����ޡC
�E A fool attempting to be witty is an object of profoundest pity.��H���o��A��b�̥i���C
�E A fool and his money are soon parted.�³J��E�]�C
�E A fool always rushes to the fore.�̥��`�R�j�X�Y�C
�E A fool always comes short of his reckoning.�M�H�`�ʺ�p�C
�E A flow of words is no proof of wisdom.�f�Y�a�e����@���~�����ҩ�C
�E Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended.�Ʊ��n��N�Z�a���A�N�|�ܧ֦a�����C
�E A fault confessed is half redressed.�ӻ{��~�A����勵�@�b�C
�E A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both.��ˬO�]�I�A�S�̬O�w���A�B�ͭݦӦ����C
�E A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.�Y�@�աA��@���C
�E A faithful friend is hard to find.�q����o�C
�E A fair face may hide a foul heart.�H���i���ۡC
�E A fair death honours the whole life.���o���A�ר��aģ�C
�E Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory.���\�a�J�A�x��O�̤j����a�C
�E Adversity makes strange bedfellows.���B�f�Ҥ��ܤ͡C
�E Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.�w��ϤH�o��A���P�I�C
�E Adversity leads to prosperity.�f�Ҫ�V��C
�E Adversity is a good discipline.�W��O�i�m�H���n��|�C
�E A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone.���Y���������s�C
�E Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.�b�p���U�n���i�A���B�͡A�b���}��X�S��A���B�͡C
�E A disease known is half cured.�f���T�E�_�A�v�f�n�@�b�C
�E A discontented man knows not where to sit easy.�������̧��Lڬ�ɡC
�E Actions speak louder than words.�ƹ�ө��G�C
�E Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.��ʬO���Ѫ����G�C
�E A creaking door hangs long on its hinges.��Ϥ���C
�E A crafty knave needs no broker.���⪺�y�]�A���ݩ~���H�C
�E A covetous man is good to none but worse to himself.�g��H��O�H�@�L�n�B�A��ۤv�o�a�B��j�C
�E A contented mind is perpetual feast.�����`�֡C
�E A constant guest is never welcome.�[��D�λ��A�`�Ӥ��w��C
�E A common danger causes common action.�P���ķZ�C
�E A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.�]���ۤj�C
�E A close mouth catches no flies.�f�q�f�J�A�ױq�f�X�C
�E A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast.�笰�M�h�A�����B�I�C
�E A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.�դ餣��k�ߨơA�]�b�V��ߤ���C
�E A clear conscience is a sure card.���U���A�Ө�b���C
�E A clear conscience is a soft pillow.�ݤߵL�\�A���E�L�~�C
�E A clean hand wants no washing.�������ȼv�l�סC
�E A cheerful wife is the joy of life.�ּ֪��d�l�O�ͬ����֨ơC
�E A change of work is as good as a rest.�մ��@�U�u�@�O�ܦn���𮧡C
�E Accidents will happen.�Ѧ������C
�E A cat may look at a king.�ߤ]���v�ʨ����C
�E A candle lights others and consumes itself.����I�ۨ��A��G�ӧO�H�C
�E A burnt child dreads the fire.�@�³Q�D�r�A�Q�~�Ȥ�÷�C
�E A burden of one?s choice is not felt.�ۤv�諸��l����C
�E Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.�ۻE�R�q�aA��O����`�C
�E A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm.�ɨӪ����O���x���C
�E A book that remains shut is but a block.���ѳ���\Ū�A�L���O�@����Y�C
�E A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change.�@���n�Ѥ��Ѧp���A�N�Ӥ]�p���A�ä����ܡC
�E A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass.��i�e���A�նOè���C
�E A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it?s the boundary of the world.�����[�ѡC
�E A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day.�����ө���L�C
�E A bird may be known by its song.��?���ۤ�?�q�C
�E A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.�D��q���䳾�Ať�䨥����H
�E A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.��b�L���p�@���b��C
�E A beggar?s purse is bottomless.�^������U�O�L���}�C
�E A bargain is a bargain.�F������w���i�����C
�E A bad workman quarrels with his tools.��K�`��u��t�C
�E A bad thing never dies.�a�ƶǤd�~�C
�E A bad padlock invites a picklock.�}��s�C
�E A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.�a�ߺD���A�`��A�-��n��O�s�n�C
�E A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.�a�ߺD���A�`��A�-��n��O�s�n�C
�E A bad conscience is a snake in one?s heart.����ߵ�C
�E A bad conscience is a snake in one?s heart.����ߵ�
�E A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.�Yk���M�Ѥ]��ӶD�j�C
�E A bad bush is better than the open field.���ө�L�C
�E A bad beginning makes a bad ending.�c��l�̥��c��סC
�E No wisdom like silence���̹訥
�E Necessity knows no law�o�Ө��I
�E Many hands make light work�H�h�n���
�E Don?t play the goat���n�J�x
�E They��re a barrel of laughs�L�̫ܷd��
�E This movie was just a hype�o���q�v�����O�b���@
�E the shortest straw�U�Uñ
�E The news came as a bombshell�o�Ӯ�S�p�����R�E
�E feeling low�N���I
�E These are more than old wives? tales�o�ǥi���O�L�]����
�E That��ll save your skin���i0�A�׹L����
�E Every bad has some good �a�Ʊ��]���n���@��
�E Some things rub them the wrong way�L�̳Q�S��F
�E Stay put�����
�E to fly off the handle��M�ͮ�B�o��
�E He is really on the ball�L�u�����ܱӱ�
�E got savoir faire����o��
�E He has never rested on his laurels�L�q�������ثe�����N
�E Jump down someone��s throat�ͮ�a���
�E put a roof over one��s head��Ӧa��w�y
�E faced the music��3
�E blinded with science�L���H��
�E Off one��s rocker�ʥF�z��
�E old goat�ѥj�O�]�q�`��~��̡^
�E Welcome�IIt��s lovely to see you�w��I����A�u�����I
�E What��s gotten into you�H�A���F�H
�E Coffee kept them on the go�@�بϥL�̥R�����O�F
�E Shine on�fb�@�ǡF
�E Monkey�]around�^with�ðʡF
�E I think I get the drift�ڪ��D�F�F
�E get the drift��աA�A��
�E The meeting will start at 10 o?clock sharp�|ij�Q�I�Ǯɶ}�l�F
�E like taking candy from a baby�ήe�Y�Ʃ�p�ϴx
�E Home is where the heart is�a�O�ߤ��Ҧb
�E From the word go �q�Y��!F
�E They help make it less of a dog?s life�L��0���ﵽ�ͬ��F
�E Half-baked ������
�E bend the rules at times��}�@��
�E Spill one��s guts���X�걡
�E For heaven?s sake�I�ѤѡI�����_�μ��㪺�P�ۻy
�E Fly-by-night���i�a���A���i�H��
�E Nervous wreck��i�A�E��
�E Pull through���I�A��L����
�E Thumb through �^�^���\Ū
�E Lose one��s shirt�@�夣��
�E Mess around with�M�d�F�ð�
�E Touch and go���զM��
�E Handwriting on the wall.��ө���M�I
�E Spread oneself too thin �ߤO���
�E run-down���h�O��
�E We look forward to the dawn of better days.�ڭ̴kݦn��l�����{
�E Variety is charming.�״I�h�m�N�O��
�E Two of a trade never agree.�P��O�ޮa
�E The sudden news frightened me.��Ӫ����~�ڤ@��
�E He threatened to fire me�L�¯٭n�Ѷ���
�E You young devil��s spawn�I�A�o�p���I
�E It doesn��t listen right�oť�_�Ӧ�G����F
�E What snacks do you like best�H�A�̳��w����s���FI like raisins and kebabs���尮�M�צ�
�E pistachio�}�ߪG�Fbeef jerky��׷F��Fsunflower seeds�ʤl�Ffish jerky����C
�E ��y���Ѱڡ�-Oh�Iboy��Oh�Iman�F���n�h�r����y�зǤf�y�OOuch�F�p�G���䦳��㤣�𪺤H�A�i�H����Buzz off��
�E That makes sense���i�H�z�ѡFYou said it�A�⻡��F�F
�E I really need to blow off some steam!�ڱo�νw�@�U#�O�Ftake a piss�p�K
�E Pride feels no cold.�H�n�ϫN�A�ᦺ���s�C/ ź�̤�ı�N�A�N�H����֡C
�E Virtue never grows old. ��w�û����|�L�ɡC
�E Pride feels no cold. �H�n�ϫN�A�ᦺ���s�C/ ź�̤�ı�N�A�N�H����֡C
�E I am always punctual ���`�O�ܷǮɡFDon��t be so modest �O~��F�FI am flattered�L��F
�E I am on your side �ڤ��A�FWell�Ait depends���A�o�o�ݱ��p�FIt is up in the air�a�ӥ��M
�E That is the latest fashion. �o�O�̬y�檺�ڦ��FHe always talks big. �L�`�O�j��C
�E So far so good �ثe����A�@�s��n�FLet��s get to the point �ӽͭn�I�a�I�^�_66�I���}�߭^�y
�E For the old time sake. �ݦb�¤���Y�����l�W�FLet��s forgive and forget. �ɱ�e��C
�E Knock it off. �֨ӳo�@�M�FA close call. �ӦM�I�F/�d�v�@�v�FNeck and neck. ���$W�U
�E It is cool�ܴΡF It is neat�ӻŤF�F It is righteous���ŤF! Righteous���֥�
�E That will be the day. ���o��@�ѴN�n�F�FI am having a swell time. �ڪ��o�ܶ}��
�E If I were in your shoes�K�p�G�ڬO�A���ܡK�FIt is out of the question. �o�O���i�઺
�E He passed out. �L�w�g��ˤF�I�FNot a sound was heard �S���@�I�n���FDon��t panic. ���n�W�I
�E It is a lot of junks. �o���O�@�ǰ��F��FOver my dead body! ��Q�II decline! �کڵ�
�E I got a big kick out of it. �o��Ưu�O�ڶ}�ߡFDon��t try to brainwash me.�O�Q���ڬ~��
�E Don��t chicken out�ABe a man. ���n�h�Y�F�FYou can count on us. �A�i�H�H��ڭ̡C
�E His words carry a lot of weight �L���ܫܦ���q�FMy mouth is watering. �ڬy�f��F
�E Don��t dream away your time �O��ץ�FCheer up���@�_�ӡFYou are a chicken�A�O���x�p��
�E It is nothing to be surprised about �o�Ƥ��ȱo�j��p�ǡFWhat a good deal! �u�K�y
�E In a word�AI am tired of everything �`���A�ڹ�@�s��ܹ��¡FYou asked for it �A�۰Q�W�Y
�E God helps those who he1p themselves �W��0�U���Ǧۤv0�ۤv���H�FYou set me up! �A�X���
�E The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself �H�Q���۪�����
�E Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise ������A�w���D��
�E I don��t think much of the movie ���q�v�����ˡFFasten your seat belt �t�n�A���w���a
�E I have a nice sum of money put away �ڦs�F�@�j����FDon��t trust to chance �O�I�B��
�E I just keep my head above water (�ͬ�)�ٴ�X�II have the right to know�ڦ��v���D
�E He stands out in the crowd. �L�b�H�s���S�㲴�FHe may show up soon. �L���W�N�^�ӡC
�E you can eat and drink your fill. �A�i�H�ɱ����Y�A�ɱ����ܡFI sobbed sadly�D �ڶˤߪ���_��
�E Work fascinates me.I can look at it for hours. �u�@�n���N��A�ר�O�ݵۧO�H�u�@�C
�E The movie is going over big everywhere in China �o���q�v�b����j���w��
�E Money is not everything.There?s Mastercard and Visa��O�U�઺�A�����ٻݫH�Υd
�E Beyond all questions you are right �@�L�ðݡA�A�O�諸�FClothes make the man�H�n���
�E Opportunity knocks but once. ��i���A�ɤ��A�ӡFHe lacks courage. �L�ʥF�i��C
�E I?m not good at speaking off the cuff �ڤ��ժ�Y���t�FOne of these years�U�~����
�E Shake a leg, or you?ll miss it. ���I�A�_�h�����W�F�FI?ve had it with him. �ڨ��L�F
�E His performance of LI BAI is top-notch. �L��t����կS�O�X��FI?ll buy it. ���٦��C
�E I share your enthusiasm ������ߡ]���@�Ъ��^�FCould you fill in for him? �A��N�%L�ܡH
�E The explanation made no sense. �o���2�W�䧮�FIt?s on me this time. �o���ڽЫȡC
�E I just do it by rule of thumb �ھ̸g�簵���FI fast a day every week. �ڨC�g�����@��
�E It?s full of hot air. �o�O�p�n�j�B�I�p�FHe always goofs off. �L�`�O�k?�k��C
�E I am up to my ears in work. �ڦ������i�}��FIt?s on the house. �o�O�K�O���C
�E You should give him a piece of your mind �A�ӦV�L��F�A�������Fgreen hand �S���g�窺�H
�E Can you give me a lift? ��ڤ@�{�n�ܡH�F I am an exam jitter �ڤ@�ҸմN��i
�E Let?s go Dutch. �U�I�U���FThis is in way over my head. ��ڦӨ��o��b����F�C
�E Who but he would do such a thing? ���F�L�ַ|���o�بơH�FWishful thinking �@�[���@���Q�k
�E His argument doesn?t hold water. �L�����I������}�FI have a runny nose.�ڬy���C
�E Great minds think alike �^���Ҩ����P�FBeing criticized is awful �Q�H���u�h�W
�E One should love animals. They are so tasty. �C�ӤH��3�Ӽ�R�ʪ��A�]�����̫ܦn�Y�C
�E I?m glad I kept my fingers crossed. �ګܰ����@�����o�򩯹B�C
�E He is an operator. �L�O�ӦѪo��CDon?t get on my nerves! ���n�ͱo�ڤ߷�
�E Let?s find a happy medium. �ڭ��٬O��@�ӧ�J����k�FIt really turns me on. �o�O�ڿ��ġC
�E I think you��ve put your finger on it �A�����I�l�W�F�FPainting the town red �g�w
�E You?ve jumped on the bandwagon. �H�j�y�FI?m really in a bind. �ڥ��k����C
�E They?re selling like hot cakes �o�dz��ܺZ�P�FYou?re laying it on thick. �A�L��F
�E The price makes my hair stand on end. ��������~�F�@��C
�E He is now in the soup. �L�{�b�V�|�F�CI?m on the WAGON(����,��). �ڧٰs�F�C
�E This is beyond comparison. �L�P�ۤ�FTom always gets cold feet. ��i�`�O�q�����e�C
�E Get over yourself. �O�ۥH���O�FI?m fed up. �ڹ��¤F�FI?ll see to it �ڷ|�d�N��
�E He got under the boss?s skin. �L�S�o�F����FDon?t go to pieces. ���n�۫�
�E I?ll stand on my own two feet. �@�H���Ƥ@�H��C
�E I?ll try to smooth things over. �ڷ|�����B�z�FStill water runs deep �j���Y�M
�E It is a hard nut to crack. �o�O�@��Ƥ⪺�Ʊ��FI?m mad about Bruce Lee. �ڰg����p�s�F
�E Get out of my face. �q�ڭ��e��IYou piss me off. �A�𦺧ڤF�C
�E you have given it your best shot�Aanyway! ���ޫ�ˡA�A�w�g�ɤO�F�FCut it out. �٬٧a�C
�E You?ve gone too far! �A�ӹL�$F�II can?t take it anymore. �ڨ�F�F�I
�E Don?t nag me! �O�b�ڭ��e�G�o�II feel terrible! ��ı�o�D�z�F�II guess so! �ڷQ�O�a�I
�E That?s the stupidest thing I?ve ever heard! ���O��ť�쪺�̷M��ơI(�񺸡E�\��`��)
�E Don��t give me a song and dance! ���n���Ǥf�FI��m sick of it. �ڳ����F�C
�E I��ll put everything in black and white! �ڷ|��Ҧ��Ʊ��կȶ¦r�g�M���C
�E I know Jerry puts her down �ڪ��D�Ƿ�ݤ��_�o�FTom is nobody��s fool! ��i�O�ӫ��o��H�C
�E He is a fast talker. �L�ѬO���o�Ѫ�üY�FThat will be the day. ���o��@�ѴN�n�F�C
�E Give me a break! �A�ǤF�ڧa�I�]�}�������ܡ^Don��t give me a hard time! �O��ڹL���h�n���n�I
�E I have a sweet tooth. �ڳ��w�Y�����FI don��t like splitting hairs. �ڤ��R���p��
�E Don��t sell yourself short �O�ݻ��ۤv�FTry to have a mind of your own �����D�����H
�E It slipped my mind. �ڧѤF�FYou have my word. �ګO�ҡFIt��s a hit. �o��ƫܨ�H�w��C
�E Everything would have all right if you hadn��t said that ���p�A�S���˻��A�@�s��n��
�E That��s always the case�D �ߥH���`�F�FYou��ve got a point there�D �A���o�����D�z���C
�E You��d better wise up.���o���I�FIt��s up to you.�ѧA�M�w�FSuit me fine!�ӾA�X�ڤF�I
�E He always talks big�D�L�`�O�j��FShe had a bad cold�D�o�w�F���P�_�FMy treat�D�ڽЫȡC
�E a knock out�]�Z�^��o��H�ɭˡFa short fuse�]�Z�^�ʮ���z�FWatch out!�]�f�^��ߡI
�E Patience is a mark of confidence.�@�߬O�۫H�ߪ��@�ت�{�C
�E You owe me one.�A��ڤ@�ӤH���CAs soon as possible! �V�ֶV�n�I
�E Patience is a mark of confidence.�@�߬O�۫H�ߪ��@�ت�{�C
�E once in a blue moon�}�u�Ftwo left feet�¤�¸}�Fstop and smell the roses�ɨ�ͬ��C
�E What is worth doing is worth doing well.�u�n�Aı�o�Y�ƭȱo�h���A�N�@�w�n�⥦���n�C
�E Early rising makes for good health.���_���U���鰷�d�C
�E It rained at intervals this month.�o�Ӥ뤣�ɦa�U�B�C
�E This movie is realistic.I don��t care for it very much.�o���q�v�O�g�ꪺ�A�ڤ��ӳ��w�C
�E A day is a miniature of eternity.(Emerson)�@�ѬO�ë�Y�v�]�R�q�͡^
�E Your future depends on your dreams.So go to sleep.�{�b���ڷQ�M�w�A���N�ӡA�ҥH�٬O�A�η|��a�C
�E Maybe I could run some errands for you.�]�\�گର�A���Ǥ���C