星期二, 11月 30, 2004

Slashdot | In Korea, Email Is Only For Old People

Slashdot | In Korea, Email Is Only For Old People: "In Korea, Email Is Only For Old People
The Internet
Posted by timothy on Tuesday November 30, @12:19AM
from the u.s.-has-officially-been-lapped dept.
_martini_ writes 'This short article suggests that, in Korea, email is used only for formal communications, or by older, less tech-saavy generations, while IMs, blogs, and SMS has taken over as the primary means of day to day messages.'"

opt mysql

opt mysql



set-variable = key_buffer=64M

set-variable = max_allowed_packet=8M

�p�G�Ashow processlist��?�Ԭݨ�ܦh��copy to tmp table ��??
set-variable = tmp_table_size=256M

�p�G�A���{�Ǩ���?�`��order by , group by
set-variable = sort_buffer=8M


set-variable = long_query_time=8
�� --log-slow-queries ????mysqld


anti span in blog

anti spam with Chinese word


�H�U�N??��bmt-comments.cgi��use strict;�U���C

use CGI qw(:standard);
my $tck = param('text');
die if($tck ne "" && $tck !~ /[\x80-\xff]/);
# �H�W�P?�O�_�O����d��
my $ncom = 0;
while ( $tck =~ /http/g ) { $ncom ++ ; }
die if( $ncom > 1 );
# �H�W�P?���h��?URL�X?

?�� $ncom �N�O?�⨽����?��??�A�p�G�j�_1�A�N?���U���d���F�A������?�C??�i�H����?��?��C

星期一, 11月 29, 2004

Yahoo! News - Desktop Google Finds Holes

Yahoo! News - Desktop Google Finds Holes: "
Technology - Ziff Davis
Ziff Davis
Desktop Google Finds Holes

Mon Nov 29, 1:42 AM ET

Last month, Google released a beta version of its desktop search software: Google Desktop Search. Install it on your Windows machine, and it creates a searchable index of your data files, including word processing files, spreadsheets, presentations, e-mail messages, cached Web pages and chat sessions. It's a great idea. Windows' searching capability has always been mediocre, and Google fixes the problem nicely."

opt mysql

opt mysql

0 5 * * 7 /usr/local/bin/myisamchk -a -r -m -v -U /home/mysql/data/*/*.MYI > /root/log/myisamchk.log

星期日, 11月 28, 2004

星期五, 11月 26, 2004


�~�J�Ѥ����b�� ��ͺ�u�R�����J�v�Q�}�s�ѵo��|�A�N��W�x���X���|�Q�g�P�H�R���G�Ƶ������ѡA����Y�M���N�¬Q�X�u�O�̷|�z�L�̪��R���G�ơC�ӥ�ͺ�O�G�Q�������L�ӻʩM�T�W�v�j�����P�Ǧb�@�~�e�ХߡC��ͥi�b��W���g�߱���O�A���ݹﲴ��A�٥i�H�o�X�u�P�~�ܽШ�v�A�b��W���&P�~�A�@�P�i��B�i�d���B�(ɤߨƵ��A�ثe�w�g���|�Q�K�U�W�|���U�A�C�Ӥ��禬�ʨӸU���C�u�R�����J�v��ư���L�ӻʻ��A�����V�ҥ~�J���k�ʡA�N�~�b�Ӻ�W�o�{����b������O�A��Ө�H���k��n�A�S�@�P�b��W���e�u�P�~�v�A�ҥH�o�W�k�D���]�ۺ٬O�u�B�^�u�R���k�l�v�C

/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/portsdb.rb:587: [BUG] Segmentation fault

Problem Report ports/72056: /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/portsdb.rb:587: [BUG] Segmentation fault

Subject: Re: ports/72056: /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/portsdb.rb:587: [BUG] Segmentation fault
From: andrew [at] scoop.co.nz (Andrew McNaughton)
Newsgroups: freebsd.ports.bugs
Organization: TAC News Gateway
Date: Nov 12 2004 15:30:36

The following reply was made to PR ports/72056; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Andrew McNaughton
To: freebsd-gnats-submit [at] FreeBSD.org, root [at] zacher02.uni-trier.de
Subject: Re: ports/72056: /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/portsdb.rb:587:
[BUG] Segmentation fault
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 04:30:00 +1300 (NZDT)

I have the same problem.

The fix is to put the following into /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf:

ENV['PORTS_DBDRIVER'] = 'bdb1_hash'

Then do:

portsdb -fu
pkgdb -fu

This solution was found at:


How, they wonder, did so many [American] conservatives, who
normally don't trust their government to run a public school down
the street, come to believe that federal bureaucrats could
transform an entire nation in the alien culture of the Middle East?
-John Tierney, NY Times

Andrew McNaughton Living in a shack in Tasmania
andrew [at] scoop.co.nz Between the bush and the sea

Mobile: +61 422 753 792 http://staff.scoop.co.nz/andrew/cv.doc

freebsd-ports-bugs [at] freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-ports-bugs-unsubscribe [at] freebsd.org"

星期四, 11月 25, 2004

script for site-killer


# Purpose: to block httpd connection
# Author: netman(netman@study-area.org)
# Lisence: GPL
# Date: 2002/12/01
# Version: 0.91

#-- change log --#
# Version 0.90
# * Script created
# Version 0.91
# 1) add test for size of list file
# 2) add test for cpu loading


#-- remove old rules --#
if [ -s $HTTP_LIST ]; then
for i in $(cat $HTTP_LIST); do
/sbin/iptables -D INPUT -p TCP --dport 80 -s $i -j DROP 2>/dev/null
#-- clean up list --#
cat /dev/null > $HTTP_LIST

#-- block http if loading is greater than 85 persent --#
if [ "$(/usr/bin/sar -u 1 3 | tail -1 | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/\..*$//')" -gt "85" ]; then
netstat -na | grep ':80' | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | sed '/' > $HTTP_LIST_TMP
for i in $(cat $HTTP_LIST_TMP | uniq); do
if [ $(cat $HTTP_LIST_TMP | grep $i | wc -l) -gt $CONN_NU ]; then
echo $i >> $HTTP_LIST
for i in $(cat $HTTP_LIST); do
/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p TCP --dport 80 -s $i -j DROP
exit 0

Freebsd system tune

Freebsd system tune

�K�X�S�` �ⱡ��iGoogle

�K�X�S�` �ⱡ��iGoogle

�i�O�� ���A��ɡj

�@�a�W��Perfect 10�������W�P�V����p���k�|���i�j�M�s�YGoogle�A��dGoogle���ѹϤ�s���P�K�X�A�ϱo��ͧKú�C��25��]��X�x���812���^���|��O�N���N�s��Ӥ�A���q��Q�]�Ӥj��v�T�C�惡Google�h�O���@��ܵ�סC

Perfect 10��ܡAGoogle�K�O��ܨӦ�Perfect 10����Ϥ�A�Ʀܤ��}�Τ᪺�b���P�K�X�A�{�b�\�h�H�����@�A�ǿ�I�O�C�ھ�Perfect 10�ź١AGoolge�w�g�I�`�L�̪����v�P�ӼЪk�A�ƦܯA�Τ������v���A�N�VGoogle�M�D�l�`���v�A���L���B���w�C

���k�ߤ��\��i�H�ƻs�P�i�K�Y�p�������v�Ϥ�A�Y�O��������h����O�@�CPerfect 10�ұj�ժ��h�O��Goolge�j�M�X�Ӫ��W�쵲���ȧe�{�Y�ϳs���A�I��L���ٯ���ܭ�Ϥj�p�A����I��Per-fect 10�v�q�A�ثe���פw�g�i�J�D�^���q�C

星期三, 11月 24, 2004


�E A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.�@���n�ѡA��f����C
�E A good beginning makes a good ending.���l�̥�����סC
�E A good beginning is half the battle.���ԧi������@�b�ӧQ�C
�E A good appetite is a good sauce.�Ȥ��ܭ��C
�E A good anvil does not fear the hammer.�n�z������C
�E A full cup must be carried steadily.�M���աA����í�C
�E A full belly counsels well.�筹���ӫ᪾�a�d�C
�E After meat, mustard.�B��e�ʡC
�E After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile.���\���᧤���A�߶����ᨫ�@?�C
�E After dinner comes the reckoning.�Y�ܪ��֡A�ӥI�N��C
�E After death, the doctor.�񰨫ᬶ�C
�E After black clouds, clear weather.�_����ӡC
�E After a storm comes a calm.�_����ӡC
�E A friend without faults will never be found.�S�����I���B�ͬO�û��䤣�쪺�C
�E A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.�s��͡A�L�`��C
�E A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.��ͺC�A���ͧ֡C
�E A friend is never known till a man have need.����w��ɡA�û�����{�ѯu�����B�͡C
�E A friend is best found in adversity.�w��u�͡C
�E A friend is a second self.�B�ͬO�t�@�ӧڡC
�E A friend in need is a friend indeed.�w��B�ͤ~�O�u�B�͡C
�E A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.�䤤����A���p�¤����͡C
�E A friend exaggerates a man?s virtue, an enemy his crimes.�B�ͫŴ��H����w�A�ĤH�ؤj�H���o�L�C
�E A fox may grow grey, but never good.���W�|�ܡA�����C
�E A fool?s heart dances on his lips.�M�H�ߩZ���A���b�L�B�W�C

�E A fool?s bolt may sometimes hit the mark.�M�̤d�{�A�����@�o�C
�E A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.�@�M�ҥ��A�ʴ���^�C
�E A fool may give a wise man counsel.�M�̤d�{�A�����@�o�C
�E A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.�M�̩ҰݡA������C
�E A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer.�@�M�o�ݡA�C�����ޡC
�E A fool attempting to be witty is an object of profoundest pity.��H���o��A��b�̥i���C
�E A fool and his money are soon parted.�³J��E�]�C
�E A fool always rushes to the fore.�̥��`�R�j�X�Y�C
�E A fool always comes short of his reckoning.�M�H�`�ʺ�p�C
�E A flow of words is no proof of wisdom.�f�Y�a�e����@���~�����ҩ�C
�E Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended.�Ʊ��n��N�Z�a���A�N�|�ܧ֦a�����C
�E A fault confessed is half redressed.�ӻ{��~�A����勵�@�b�C
�E A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both.��ˬO�]�I�A�S�̬O�w���A�B�ͭݦӦ����C
�E A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.�Y�@�աA��@���C
�E A faithful friend is hard to find.�q����o�C
�E A fair face may hide a foul heart.�H���i���ۡC
�E A fair death honours the whole life.���o���A�ר��aģ�C
�E Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory.���\�a�J�A�x��O�̤j����a�C
�E Adversity makes strange bedfellows.���B�f�Ҥ��ܤ͡C
�E Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.�w��ϤH�o��A���P�I�C
�E Adversity leads to prosperity.�f�Ҫ�V��C
�E Adversity is a good discipline.�W��O�i�m�H���n��|�C
�E A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone.���Y���������s�C
�E Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.�b�p���U�n���i�A���B�͡A�b���}��X�S��A���B�͡C
�E A disease known is half cured.�f���T�E�_�A�v�f�n�@�b�C
�E A discontented man knows not where to sit easy.�������̧��Lڬ�ɡC
�E Actions speak louder than words.�ƹ�ө��G�C
�E Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.��ʬO���Ѫ����G�C
�E A creaking door hangs long on its hinges.��Ϥ���C
�E A crafty knave needs no broker.���⪺�y�]�A���ݩ~���H�C
�E A covetous man is good to none but worse to himself.�g��H��O�H�@�L�n�B�A��ۤv�o�a�B��j�C
�E A contented mind is perpetual feast.�����`�֡C
�E A constant guest is never welcome.�[��D�λ��A�`�Ӥ��w��C
�E A common danger causes common action.�P���ķZ�C
�E A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.�]���ۤj�C
�E A close mouth catches no flies.�f�q�f�J�A�ױq�f�X�C
�E A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast.�笰�M�h�A�����B�I�C
�E A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.�դ餣��k�ߨơA�]�b�V��ߤ���C
�E A clear conscience is a sure card.���U���A�Ө�b���C
�E A clear conscience is a soft pillow.�ݤߵL�\�A���E�L�~�C
�E A clean hand wants no washing.�������ȼv�l�סC
�E A cheerful wife is the joy of life.�ּ֪��d�l�O�ͬ����֨ơC
�E A change of work is as good as a rest.�մ��@�U�u�@�O�ܦn���𮧡C
�E Accidents will happen.�Ѧ������C
�E A cat may look at a king.�ߤ]���v�ʨ����C
�E A candle lights others and consumes itself.����I�ۨ��A��G�ӧO�H�C
�E A burnt child dreads the fire.�@�³Q�D�r�A�Q�~�Ȥ�÷�C
�E A burden of one?s choice is not felt.�ۤv�諸��l����C
�E Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.�ۻE�R�q�aA��O����`�C
�E A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm.�ɨӪ����O���x���C
�E A book that remains shut is but a block.���ѳ���\Ū�A�L���O�@����Y�C
�E A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change.�@���n�Ѥ��Ѧp���A�N�Ӥ]�p���A�ä����ܡC
�E A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass.��i�e���A�նOè���C
�E A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it?s the boundary of the world.�����[�ѡC
�E A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day.�����ө���L�C
�E A bird may be known by its song.��?���ۤ�?�q�C
�E A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.�D��q���䳾�Ať�䨥����H
�E A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.��b�L���p�@���b��C
�E A beggar?s purse is bottomless.�^������U�O�L���}�C
�E A bargain is a bargain.�F������w���i�����C
�E A bad workman quarrels with his tools.��K�`��u��t�C
�E A bad thing never dies.�a�ƶǤd�~�C
�E A bad padlock invites a picklock.�}��s�C
�E A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.�a�ߺD���A�`��A�-��n��O�s�n�C
�E A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.�a�ߺD���A�`��A�-��n��O�s�n�C
�E A bad conscience is a snake in one?s heart.����ߵ�C
�E A bad conscience is a snake in one?s heart.����ߵ�
�E A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.�Yk���M�Ѥ]��ӶD�j�C
�E A bad bush is better than the open field.���ө�L�C
�E A bad beginning makes a bad ending.�c��l�̥��c��סC
�E No wisdom like silence���̹訥
�E Necessity knows no law�o�Ө��I
�E Many hands make light work�H�h�n���
�E Don?t play the goat���n�J�x
�E They��re a barrel of laughs�L�̫ܷd��
�E This movie was just a hype�o���q�v�����O�b���@
�E the shortest straw�U�Uñ
�E The news came as a bombshell�o�Ӯ�S�p�����R�E
�E feeling low�N���I
�E These are more than old wives? tales�o�ǥi���O�L�]����
�E That��ll save your skin���i0�A�׹L����
�E Every bad has some good �a�Ʊ��]���n���@��
�E Some things rub them the wrong way�L�̳Q�S��F
�E Stay put�����
�E to fly off the handle��M�ͮ�B�o��
�E He is really on the ball�L�u�����ܱӱ�
�E got savoir faire����o��
�E He has never rested on his laurels�L�q�������ثe�����N
�E Jump down someone��s throat�ͮ�a���
�E put a roof over one��s head��Ӧa��w�y
�E faced the music��3
�E blinded with science�L���H��
�E Off one��s rocker�ʥF�z��
�E old goat�ѥj�O�]�q�`��~��̡^
�E Welcome�IIt��s lovely to see you�w��I����A�u�����I
�E What��s gotten into you�H�A���F�H
�E Coffee kept them on the go�@�بϥL�̥R�����O�F
�E Shine on�fb�@�ǡF
�E Monkey�]around�^with�ðʡF
�E I think I get the drift�ڪ��D�F�F
�E get the drift��աA�A��
�E The meeting will start at 10 o?clock sharp�|ij�Q�I�Ǯɶ}�l�F
�E like taking candy from a baby�ήe�Y�Ʃ�p�ϴx
�E Home is where the heart is�a�O�ߤ��Ҧb
�E From the word go �q�Y��!F
�E They help make it less of a dog?s life�L��0���ﵽ�ͬ��F
�E Half-baked ������
�E bend the rules at times��}�@��
�E Spill one��s guts���X�걡
�E For heaven?s sake�I�ѤѡI�����_�μ��㪺�P�ۻy
�E Fly-by-night���i�a���A���i�H��
�E Nervous wreck��i�A�E��
�E Pull through���I�A��L����
�E Thumb through �^�^���\Ū
�E Lose one��s shirt�@�夣��
�E Mess around with�M�d�F�ð�
�E Touch and go���զM��
�E Handwriting on the wall.��ө���M�I
�E Spread oneself too thin �ߤO���
�E run-down���h�O��
�E We look forward to the dawn of better days.�ڭ̴kݦn��l�����{
�E Variety is charming.�״I�h�m�N�O��
�E Two of a trade never agree.�P��O�ޮa
�E The sudden news frightened me.��Ӫ����~�ڤ@��
�E He threatened to fire me�L�¯٭n�Ѷ���
�E You young devil��s spawn�I�A�o�p���I
�E It doesn��t listen right�oť�_�Ӧ�G����F
�E What snacks do you like best�H�A�̳��w����s���FI like raisins and kebabs���尮�M�צ�
�E pistachio�}�ߪG�Fbeef jerky��׷F��Fsunflower seeds�ʤl�Ffish jerky����C
�E ��y���Ѱڡ�-Oh�Iboy��Oh�Iman�F���n�h�r����y�зǤf�y�OOuch�F�p�G���䦳��㤣�𪺤H�A�i�H����Buzz off��
�E That makes sense���i�H�z�ѡFYou said it�A�⻡��F�F
�E I really need to blow off some steam!�ڱo�νw�@�U#�O�Ftake a piss�p�K
�E Pride feels no cold.�H�n�ϫN�A�ᦺ���s�C/ ź�̤�ı�N�A�N�H����֡C
�E Virtue never grows old. ��w�û����|�L�ɡC
�E Pride feels no cold. �H�n�ϫN�A�ᦺ���s�C/ ź�̤�ı�N�A�N�H����֡C
�E I am always punctual ���`�O�ܷǮɡFDon��t be so modest �O~��F�FI am flattered�L��F
�E I am on your side �ڤ��A�FWell�Ait depends���A�o�o�ݱ��p�FIt is up in the air�a�ӥ��M
�E That is the latest fashion. �o�O�̬y�檺�ڦ��FHe always talks big. �L�`�O�j��C
�E So far so good �ثe����A�@�s��n�FLet��s get to the point �ӽͭn�I�a�I�^�_66�I���}�߭^�y
�E For the old time sake. �ݦb�¤���Y�����l�W�FLet��s forgive and forget. �ɱ�e��C
�E Knock it off. �֨ӳo�@�M�FA close call. �ӦM�I�F/�d�v�@�v�FNeck and neck. ���$W�U
�E It is cool�ܴΡF It is neat�ӻŤF�F It is righteous���ŤF! Righteous���֥�
�E That will be the day. ���o��@�ѴN�n�F�FI am having a swell time. �ڪ��o�ܶ}��
�E If I were in your shoes�K�p�G�ڬO�A���ܡK�FIt is out of the question. �o�O���i�઺
�E He passed out. �L�w�g��ˤF�I�FNot a sound was heard �S���@�I�n���FDon��t panic. ���n�W�I
�E It is a lot of junks. �o���O�@�ǰ��F��FOver my dead body! ��Q�II decline! �کڵ�
�E I got a big kick out of it. �o��Ưu�O�ڶ}�ߡFDon��t try to brainwash me.�O�Q���ڬ~��
�E Don��t chicken out�ABe a man. ���n�h�Y�F�FYou can count on us. �A�i�H�H��ڭ̡C
�E His words carry a lot of weight �L���ܫܦ���q�FMy mouth is watering. �ڬy�f��F
�E Don��t dream away your time �O��ץ�FCheer up���@�_�ӡFYou are a chicken�A�O���x�p��
�E It is nothing to be surprised about �o�Ƥ��ȱo�j��p�ǡFWhat a good deal! �u�K�y
�E In a word�AI am tired of everything �`���A�ڹ�@�s��ܹ��¡FYou asked for it �A�۰Q�W�Y
�E God helps those who he1p themselves �W��0�U���Ǧۤv0�ۤv���H�FYou set me up! �A�X���
�E The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself �H�Q���۪�����
�E Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise ������A�w���D��
�E I don��t think much of the movie ���q�v�����ˡFFasten your seat belt �t�n�A���w���a
�E I have a nice sum of money put away �ڦs�F�@�j����FDon��t trust to chance �O�I�B��
�E I just keep my head above water (�ͬ�)�ٴ�X�II have the right to know�ڦ��v���D
�E He stands out in the crowd. �L�b�H�s���S�㲴�FHe may show up soon. �L���W�N�^�ӡC
�E you can eat and drink your fill. �A�i�H�ɱ����Y�A�ɱ����ܡFI sobbed sadly�D �ڶˤߪ���_��
�E Work fascinates me.I can look at it for hours. �u�@�n���N��A�ר�O�ݵۧO�H�u�@�C
�E The movie is going over big everywhere in China �o���q�v�b����j���w��
�E Money is not everything.There?s Mastercard and Visa��O�U�઺�A�����ٻݫH�Υd
�E Beyond all questions you are right �@�L�ðݡA�A�O�諸�FClothes make the man�H�n���
�E Opportunity knocks but once. ��i���A�ɤ��A�ӡFHe lacks courage. �L�ʥF�i��C
�E I?m not good at speaking off the cuff �ڤ��ժ�Y���t�FOne of these years�U�~����
�E Shake a leg, or you?ll miss it. ���I�A�_�h�����W�F�FI?ve had it with him. �ڨ��L�F
�E His performance of LI BAI is top-notch. �L��t����կS�O�X��FI?ll buy it. ���٦��C
�E I share your enthusiasm ������ߡ]���@�Ъ��^�FCould you fill in for him? �A��N�%L�ܡH
�E The explanation made no sense. �o���2�W�䧮�FIt?s on me this time. �o���ڽЫȡC
�E I just do it by rule of thumb �ھ̸g�簵���FI fast a day every week. �ڨC�g�����@��
�E It?s full of hot air. �o�O�p�n�j�B�I�p�FHe always goofs off. �L�`�O�k?�k��C
�E I am up to my ears in work. �ڦ������i�}��FIt?s on the house. �o�O�K�O���C
�E You should give him a piece of your mind �A�ӦV�L��F�A�������Fgreen hand �S���g�窺�H
�E Can you give me a lift? ��ڤ@�{�n�ܡH�F I am an exam jitter �ڤ@�ҸմN��i
�E Let?s go Dutch. �U�I�U���FThis is in way over my head. ��ڦӨ��o��b����F�C
�E Who but he would do such a thing? ���F�L�ַ|���o�بơH�FWishful thinking �@�[���@���Q�k
�E His argument doesn?t hold water. �L�����I������}�FI have a runny nose.�ڬy���C
�E Great minds think alike �^���Ҩ����P�FBeing criticized is awful �Q�H���u�h�W
�E One should love animals. They are so tasty. �C�ӤH��3�Ӽ�R�ʪ��A�]�����̫ܦn�Y�C
�E I?m glad I kept my fingers crossed. �ګܰ����@�����o�򩯹B�C
�E He is an operator. �L�O�ӦѪo��CDon?t get on my nerves! ���n�ͱo�ڤ߷�
�E Let?s find a happy medium. �ڭ��٬O��@�ӧ�J����k�FIt really turns me on. �o�O�ڿ��ġC
�E I think you��ve put your finger on it �A�����I�l�W�F�FPainting the town red �g�w
�E You?ve jumped on the bandwagon. �H�j�y�FI?m really in a bind. �ڥ��k����C
�E They?re selling like hot cakes �o�dz��ܺZ�P�FYou?re laying it on thick. �A�L��F
�E The price makes my hair stand on end. ��������~�F�@��C
�E He is now in the soup. �L�{�b�V�|�F�CI?m on the WAGON(����,��). �ڧٰs�F�C
�E This is beyond comparison. �L�P�ۤ�FTom always gets cold feet. ��i�`�O�q�����e�C
�E Get over yourself. �O�ۥH���O�FI?m fed up. �ڹ��¤F�FI?ll see to it �ڷ|�d�N��
�E He got under the boss?s skin. �L�S�o�F����FDon?t go to pieces. ���n�۫�
�E I?ll stand on my own two feet. �@�H���Ƥ@�H��C
�E I?ll try to smooth things over. �ڷ|�����B�z�FStill water runs deep �j���Y�M
�E It is a hard nut to crack. �o�O�@��Ƥ⪺�Ʊ��FI?m mad about Bruce Lee. �ڰg����p�s�F
�E Get out of my face. �q�ڭ��e��IYou piss me off. �A�𦺧ڤF�C
�E you have given it your best shot�Aanyway! ���ޫ�ˡA�A�w�g�ɤO�F�FCut it out. �٬٧a�C
�E You?ve gone too far! �A�ӹL�$F�II can?t take it anymore. �ڨ�F�F�I
�E Don?t nag me! �O�b�ڭ��e�G�o�II feel terrible! ��ı�o�D�z�F�II guess so! �ڷQ�O�a�I
�E That?s the stupidest thing I?ve ever heard! ���O��ť�쪺�̷M��ơI(�񺸡E�\��`��)
�E Don��t give me a song and dance! ���n���Ǥf�FI��m sick of it. �ڳ����F�C
�E I��ll put everything in black and white! �ڷ|��Ҧ��Ʊ��կȶ¦r�g�M���C
�E I know Jerry puts her down �ڪ��D�Ƿ�ݤ��_�o�FTom is nobody��s fool! ��i�O�ӫ��o��H�C
�E He is a fast talker. �L�ѬO���o�Ѫ�üY�FThat will be the day. ���o��@�ѴN�n�F�C
�E Give me a break! �A�ǤF�ڧa�I�]�}�������ܡ^Don��t give me a hard time! �O��ڹL���h�n���n�I
�E I have a sweet tooth. �ڳ��w�Y�����FI don��t like splitting hairs. �ڤ��R���p��
�E Don��t sell yourself short �O�ݻ��ۤv�FTry to have a mind of your own �����D�����H
�E It slipped my mind. �ڧѤF�FYou have my word. �ګO�ҡFIt��s a hit. �o��ƫܨ�H�w��C
�E Everything would have all right if you hadn��t said that ���p�A�S���˻��A�@�s��n��
�E That��s always the case�D �ߥH���`�F�FYou��ve got a point there�D �A���o�����D�z���C
�E You��d better wise up.���o���I�FIt��s up to you.�ѧA�M�w�FSuit me fine!�ӾA�X�ڤF�I
�E He always talks big�D�L�`�O�j��FShe had a bad cold�D�o�w�F���P�_�FMy treat�D�ڽЫȡC
�E a knock out�]�Z�^��o��H�ɭˡFa short fuse�]�Z�^�ʮ���z�FWatch out!�]�f�^��ߡI
�E Patience is a mark of confidence.�@�߬O�۫H�ߪ��@�ت�{�C
�E You owe me one.�A��ڤ@�ӤH���CAs soon as possible! �V�ֶV�n�I
�E Patience is a mark of confidence.�@�߬O�۫H�ߪ��@�ت�{�C
�E once in a blue moon�}�u�Ftwo left feet�¤�¸}�Fstop and smell the roses�ɨ�ͬ��C
�E What is worth doing is worth doing well.�u�n�Aı�o�Y�ƭȱo�h���A�N�@�w�n�⥦���n�C
�E Early rising makes for good health.���_���U���鰷�d�C
�E It rained at intervals this month.�o�Ӥ뤣�ɦa�U�B�C
�E This movie is realistic.I don��t care for it very much.�o���q�v�O�g�ꪺ�A�ڤ��ӳ��w�C
�E A day is a miniature of eternity.(Emerson)�@�ѬO�ë�Y�v�]�R�q�͡^
�E Your future depends on your dreams.So go to sleep.�{�b���ڷQ�M�w�A���N�ӡA�ҥH�٬O�A�η|��a�C
�E Maybe I could run some errands for you.�]�\�گର�A���Ǥ���C





NB�|�Ѥ� ���e��}�K��


�x�W���O�����q���]NB�^�|�j�Ѥ�-��?�]2353�^�B�غӡBIBM�B�f����浦�����ġA�|�j�Ѥ�NB�X�p���e�v��}�K���A�G�u�t�ͦs�Ŷ���=#�A�غӡB��?�u��A �v���g�~�P���e�p���e53.5%���e�v�C









�i2004/11/24 �g�٤��j �I http://udn.com

星期二, 11月 23, 2004

sendmail Configuration

sendmail Configuration: "22.3.3 /etc/mail/local-host-names

This is a list of hostnames sendmail(8) is to accept as the local host name. Place any domains or hosts that sendmail is to be receiving mail for. For example, if this mail server was to accept mail for the domain example.com and the host mail.example.com, its local-host-names might look something like this:


When this file is updated, sendmail(8) needs to be restarted to read the changes."

�f���ѽ� �����n�ƶ��@�p��

�f���ѽ� �����n�ƶ��@�p��

�i�u� �j


星期一, 11月 22, 2004

星期四, 11月 18, 2004

��;�s�� Acrobat7.0�W���U�~���

��;�s�� Acrobat7.0�W���U�~���



星期五, 11月 12, 2004

apache suggested module

make clean
make deinstall
make install
vi /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf
LoadModule bandwidth_module libexec/apache/mod_bandwidth.so
AddModule mod_bandwidth.c

make clean
* BandWidthModule
* BandWidthPulse
�]�w�p�ɳ��AMS�]�L��^�A��ij���G1000000 �]1��^
* BandWidth
BandWidth ecp.fr 0
BandWidth 138.195 0
BandWidth all 1024

* LargeFileLimit
��ǰe�@�Ӥj�󵥩�filesize KB�j�p���ɮɡA�]�w�@�ӳ̤j�y�t�]�줸��/��^�A��rate
LargeFileLimit 200 3072
LargeFileLimit 1024 2048
���t3072 B/s�A�j��1024KB�����N�|�Q���t2048 B/s.
* MinBandWidth
�]�w�C�ӳs���ǰe��ƪ��򥻱a�e��ΡA�HByte�����C�w�]�ȡG256 B/s�C
�i�J/usr/ports/www/mod_ fastcgi
make clean
make deinstall
make install
vi /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf
LoadModule fastcgi_module libexec/apache/mod_fastcgi.so
AddModule mod_fastcgi.c
AddHandler fastcgi-script fcgi fcgi fpl

make clean
make clean
make deinstall
make install
vi /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf
LoadModule gzip_module libexec/apache/mod_gzip.so
AddModule mod_gzip.c
make clean
make clean
make deinstall
make install
vi /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf
LoadModule limitipconn_module libexec/apache/mod_limitipconn.so
AddModule mod_limitipconn.c
make clean
make clean
make deinstall
make install
vi /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf
LoadModule perl_module libexec/apache/mod_perl.so
AddModule mod_perl.c
make clean
make clean
make deinstall
make install
vi /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf
LoadModule throttle_module libexec/apache/mod_throttle.so
AddModule mod_throttle.c
make clean
make clean
make deinstall
make install
vi /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf
LoadModule watch_module libexec/apache/mod_watch.so
AddModule mod_watch.c
make clean
apxs -c mod_vhost_limit.c -o /path/to/libexec/mod_vhost_limit.so
�b httpd.conf �[�J�G
LoadModule vhost_limit_module libexec/mod_vhost_limit.so
AddModule mod_vhost_limit.c
MaxClients 150
ExtendedStatus On
NameVirtualHost *

ServerName server1
DocumentRoot /some/where/1
MaxVhostClients 100

ServerName server2
DocumentRoot /some/where/2
MaxVhostClients 30

ServerName server3
DocumentRoot /some/where/3

�䤤�G server1 �Q��� 100 �Өֵo�u�{�ơC server2 �Q��� 30 �Өֵo�u�{�ơC server3 �S���Q����C
�`�G�� mod_status �� ExtendedStatus On ���I�I
Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
Apache/1.3.27 Server at server1 Port 80
�b error_log ���N�|������H�U����~���ܡG
[Mon Jun 23 15:22:24 2003] [error] client access to server1 deferred, MaxVhostClients 100 exceeded
tar zxvf mod_dosevasive.tar.gz
cd dosevasive/
/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs -i -c mod_dosevasive.c
vi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
LoadModule dosevasive_module libexec/mod_dosevasive.so
AddModule mod_dosevasive.c

DOSHashTableSize 3097
DOSPageCount 2
DOSSiteCount 50
DOSPageInterval 1
DOSSiteInterval 1
DOSBlockingPeriod 10

星期四, 11月 11, 2004

�����|�G���O�̫K�y �}�ڤ�2�׮{@

����~ �N�n��C���!!

�����|�G���O�̫K�y �}�ڤ�2�׮{@







�i2004/11/11 �p�X�߳�j �I http://udn.com

in portupgrade manual

o Do not be lazy about backing up your precious data and configuration
files, including the package database in ``/var/db/pkg''.

FreeBSD �U�� PHP �H FastCGI interface �� http server �s��

FreeBSD �U�� PHP �H FastCGI interface �� http server �s��

FreeBSD �U�� PHP �H FastCGI interface �� http server �s��
Filed under: Computer, Murmuring, Skysoft, KKBox, FreeBSD �X gslin @ 1:08 pm

�u�Q���A�ݤF�� /usr/ports/lang/php5 �� Makefile�A�u���b /usr/ports/www/php5-cgi �U�� compile ���~�|�� FastCGI�K (�ӥB�٭n�[�W�@�� option)

����A��b /usr/ports/www/php5-cgi �U���w�� PHP with FastCGI�K

cd /usr/ports/www/php5-cgi
make WITH_FASTCGI=yes install clean

�M���J php -v 3�ӥi�H�ݨ� fastcgi support�G

PHP 5.0.1 (cgi-fcgi) (built: Oct 10 2004 13:57:37)
Copyright ? 1997-2004 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.0.1, Copyright ? 1998-2004 Zend Technologies

�A�Ӧw�� lighttpd�A�άO apache�K

cd /usr/ports/www/lighttpd or /usr/ports/www/apache2
make install clean

�p�G�] apache ���ܻݭn�A�w�� mod_fastcgi�G

cd /usr/ports/www/mod_fastcgi
make install clean

�Ӹ˪����˧��H��A��]�w�ɳ]�@�]�A�A�� php �]�_�� (�� -b ���Ѽ�) �N ok �F�C

Gea-Suan Lin's BLOG ? 404 Funky Caching

Gea-Suan Lin's BLOG ? 404 Funky Caching

�@�k����²��G�� 404 handler ���@�� .php�A�ѳo�� .php �� static page �X�ӡA�U�� http server �N���|�A call 404 handler (�]���ɮצs�b�F)�C

cvs with -z

-z compression-level
When transferring files across the network use gzip with com-
pression level compression-level to compress and de-compress
data as it is transferred. Requires the presence of the GNU
gzip program in the current search path at both ends of the

�𶢹q����Q ����U�H�s�u

�𶢹q����Q ����U�H�s�u

�i�p�X�s�D�� �O�� ���A��ɡj




星期三, 11月 10, 2004

my webcam driver download

Che-ez! official web site


星期五, 11月 05, 2004

Gea-Suan Lin's BLOG ? Firefox Party

Gea-Suan Lin's BLOG ? Firefox Party

11/21 �b�x�W�j�ǰj�Y�@�� (�s��|�]) �� Mozilla Firefox Party�A�����쪺�i�H��W�ѥ[�o�K

�̤jBBS�W���@PTT ��t�۷|�Ҵڴ�M��

�̤jBBS�W���@PTT ��t�۷|�Ҵڴ�M��
2004/11/04 08:03





��O�A�o�Ӥj��BBS���e��ѫo���F�A�D�n�O�]�����w�зl�a�A��M�{�b�w�g�״_�A��O�A�t�׫o�ܱo���C�A�޲z�ζ����F�n���ѧ�n���A�ȡA���o�����t�Χ�s�A��O�A�ѩ��s�]�ƪ����ʸU�A��L�̭t�ᤣ�_�A�]���A���F�b���W�o�_�ҴڹB�ʡA���ܽФ���ѡA�b11��7���|��Ҵںt�۷|�A�Ʊ�R�� PTT���H�A�����PTT�X�@��O�A�إߤ@�ӥi�H��10�U�H�@�P�ϥΪ���y���x�C



2004/11/04 20:06



�ѩ����u�O���q�X�@�A�èS���@�ɸ�Ʈw�A�]���ϥΪ̥�����U�uezPay�ӤH�b�Сv�A�ȷ|��A���b���~�Z�n�ɡA�i��ܱ���ezPay�ӤH�b�СA�z�L�ӤH�b�СA�R��i�H�ΫH�Υd��d�I�O�A��a�b�ӤH�b�Ъ��l�B�p�G������X�ӡA���ݭn�t��O�ΡA�ϥξl�B�V�O����a�R�F��A����{��C���h�ݭt�� 15������O�C





星期四, 11月 04, 2004

070���q�ܸ�� �K�O��

070���q�ܸ�� �K�O��

�i�p�X�s�D�� �O���Ǥp��A��ɡj


���q���Ͷվפ���A�j�ոܽ誺�Y�ɳq�T�n��Skype�u�����y�A�ꤺ�~�̫h��IPOX���q�ܤ��s�p��A�D��070�r�Y�����q�ܸ��X���v��t�o�A�ثe�w��15�a�~�̵o�X33�U���X�A��ڨϥΪ̤����h�A�x�W�q�T��3000�Τ�A�ثe���q�ܥΤ�̦h�B�W�L2�U��Seednet�h�|���[�J IPOX�C


星期二, 11月 02, 2004

�j�Ǹ�պ��C Wi-Fi�L�u�q

�j�Ǹ�պ��C Wi-Fi�L�u�q

�i�p�X�s�D�� �O���Ǥp��A��ɡj



���H���j�Ǫ����͸귽���ߡA�~���H�q���B�ù�B��L��A�b�L�u���ɥN�]�}�o�ue-Guide Dog�q�l�ɪ���v�A�H���j�Ǹ�T���ߥD��)�F���A�j�p�@��N�i�H�x�����q�l���A���X�L�u��a�x�w��B�q�l�a�ϡB�q�lù�L�B�ìP�w��M��r��y�����޳N�A�H���i�����ͩҦb��m�M�ت��a��V�A��~�׷|�����A���Ӥ]�N���X�j��jGSM�t�Φ����u���v�ɪ���A�