星期四, 10月 28, 2004

��� ��ո`�L��ԥ\��

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�i�p�X�s�D�� �O�̤�Q��A��ɡj






星期三, 10月 27, 2004

�]�\!!�i�H�Ψӳ]�wcache js...�ڲq��~

Cache Control with PHP: "Working with cached pages

Controlling how web pages are cached is basically done using 2 kind of headers: Expires and Cache-Control

Using the Expire header is really simple. It tells when the page the browser or the proxy downloaded should be fetched again from the web server. In order to use it in your CGI or PHP page, just after the Content-type, you can add the the expire header as shown below:

// calc an offset of 24 hours
$offset = 3600 * 24;
// calc the string in GMT not localtime and add the offset
$expire = 'Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() $offset) . ' GMT';
//output the HTTP header

The Cache-Control HTTP Headers is part of the HTTP 1.1 standard. Here you are an example:

Cache-Control: max-age=3600, must-revalidate

It has a certain number of parameters that can be used:

* max-age=seconds - the number of seconds from the time of the request you wish this objcet to be keep into the cache;
* s-maxage=seconds - like max-age but it only applies to proxy;
* public - tell to handle the content has cacheable even if it would normally be uncacheable, it is used for example for authenticated pages;
* no-cache - force both proxy and browser to validate the document before to provide a cached copy;
* must-revalidate - tell the browser to obey to any information you give them about a webpage;
* proxy-revalidate - like must-revalidate but applies to proxy;"

�d�H �ߤ����h

�d�H �ߤ����h

�i���ɹq�l�� �j






MySQL Manual | 13.3 String Functions

MySQL Manual | 13.3 String Functions: "CONCAT(str1,str2,...)
Returns the string that results from concatenating the arguments. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL. May have one or more arguments. A numeric argument is converted to its equivalent string form.

mysql> SELECT CONCAT('My', 'S', 'QL');
-> 'MySQL'
mysql> SELECT CONCAT('My', NULL, 'QL');
mysql> SELECT CONCAT(14.3);
-> '14.3'"

星期二, 10月 26, 2004

�uSkype Out�U��%X ���i�����ܡv

�uSkype Out�U��%X ���i�����ܡv

�uSkype Out�U��%X ���i�����ܡv
Filed under: Computer, Murmuring, Telephone, Network �X gslin @ 11:57 pm

��f�è�ۤ��s�s�D��s�D�G�uSkype Out�U��%X ���i�����ܡv�C

�ڤ���4�L���N��ASkypeOut ���ӴN�i�H���x�W�����ܻP���F�A�u�O�~�観���� (latency �L���A�ڸ� ijliao �� PHS ���ɭԤj����)�C�o�h�s�D�O��n�b�x�W���СA�H�� SkypeOut ���x�W�N�����b�x�W���a�� PSTN �ܡH�p�G�O�o�˪��ܪ��T�n���x�W�t��k�O���W�d�K

Q&A: Red Hat exec talks of challenges to open-source - Computerworld

Q&A: Red Hat exec talks of challenges to open-source - Computerworld: "The biggest challenge for the open-source community is that there are too few open-source developers, according to Michael Tiemann, vice president of open-source affairs at Red Hat Inc."

Shell (sh,ksh,bash) scripting in 20 pages

Shell (sh,ksh,bash) scripting in 20 pages: "Shell scripts in 20 pages"

A guide to writing shell scripts for C/C++/Java and unix programmers

from gslin

星期六, 10月 23, 2004

Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 ����s�\��


Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 ���Ѥ䴩�R�)M��X�������󥭥x���A�ȡA�A3�ݭn Windows �M UNIX ��¦��Ҥ����椬�ާ@�ʪ���~�Ȥ�C Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 ����~�Ȥᴣ���x�s�b�h�ӥ��x����T����K�s��A�Τ@�F�󥭥x�����޲z�A�åB���ƨϥ� UNIX 3�ε{���M Windows �W����O�X�C

�o��ե֮Ѵ��� Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 ���q���j����Ұ����ܪ����[�A�]�A Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 ������X�� Interix �޳N�C


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* Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 �s���\��
* �䴩 ����ɮרt�� (NFS)
* NIS ����A���P�K�X�P�B��
* Telnet
* Interix
* �K�n
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星期五, 10月 22, 2004

����O RSS�H

����O RSS�H

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) �O�@�إΨӤ5o�M�׶�����e (�Ҧp�s�D���D) �� XML �榡�C

�z�L RSS ���ϥΡA��3����e���H�i�H�ܮe��a���ͨöǼ��s�D�쵲�B���D�M�K�n����ơC��L�]�A CNet News.com �M Christian Science Monitor ����]�b�ϥ� RSS ���s�x��Ū�̬��e����e�C

Yahoo!�_���s�D�z�L RSS ���ѭ��Ǥ��e�H
Yahoo!�_���s�D�{�b�}�l�H RSS �榡���ѤU�C���s�D�����C�ӤH�M�D��Q��´�i�H�b�D�ӷ~�γ~���K�O�ϥγo�Ǹ�T�C�C�h�s�D���X�B�����Q�O�d�C





Class::DBI �u�O Perl+DB ���̲׸Ѫk !!

Class::DBI �u�O Perl+DB ���̲׸Ѫk !!

* �q���P���

�X ijliao @ 5:07 pm

�٦b�� DBI �� SQL �� ? �ָ�Ѩ� Class::DBI �a !!

�P�M�� !! ���n�A��

$dbh = DBI::connect(�K);
$sth = $dbh->prepare(�K);
$date = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(�K);

�o�dz��F��F�A�_�q���k�A��V Class::DBI ���h��a !! ��ڬ� DBI/DBD �W�o�A�����D�Ӥ��Ӹ�V DBIx::* ���ɭԡAClass::DBI ��M�X�{�F !! �O���A���N�O�D��A���N�O�u�z !! �p�G�Q�n�A�Ϊ��H�A�гs�P Class::DBI::AbstractSearch �M Class::DBI::AutoLoader �@�_�ɥΡA�p��K�l�A�q�����|�Q�n�A�^�Y�ݩ_�Ǫ� SQL �y�k�F !!


GMail Drive shell extension��Gmail�H�c�ܨ�1GB�����w��

GMail Drive shell extension��Gmail�H�c�ܨ�1GB�����w��

�n��GGMail Drive shell extension(�����G1.0.0)
�ʽ�GFreeware(116 K)


Drive shell extension�v�A��ڭ̥i�H���P���N1GB��Gmail�l��Ŷ��ܦ��u�ڪ��q���v�����@�ӵ��:Ϻо�C

�w�ˡuGMail Drive shell


���F�uGMail Drive shell

���|�a! ���H��S����ˤF��!!


�i���s�s�D�� �j




星期四, 10月 21, 2004

��մ�� The Joel Test

1. �A���ϥέ�l�X����t�ζ�?
2. �A��Τ@�ӨB�J�إX�Ҧ����G��?
3. �A���S���C�ѳ����s�sĶ�إ�(daily builds)��?
4. �A���S�����D�l�ܸ�Ʈw(bug database)?
5. �A�|�����D���צn����~�g�s���{����?
6. �A���@��̷s���ɵ{���?
7. �A���W���?
8. �{���H��S���w�R���u�@���?
9. �A���S���Υ����W�̦n���u��?
10. �A���S����դH��?
11. ���S���b���ծɭn�D���չ�H�g�{��?
12. ���S�������Y�ϥΩ�(hallway usability)���?

��մ�� (Joel Test) ���n�B�O�C�Ӱ��D���ܮe��^���O�Χ_. �A�����p��C�Ѽg���{����ƩάO�C������I���������D�ƶq. �u�n��"�O"�N�[1��. ��մ�ժ����I�O���藍��ΨӽT�O�ֹq�t���w����.

�o12�,O����, 11�+j�j�i����, ���L10�%H�U(�t10��)�N��ܰ��D�j�F. �ƹ�W�j����n���´���u����2��3��, �o�Dz�´���ħĥi�M, �]���L�n�H�ɳ��O�H12�*���ǹB�@.

��M��, �o�Ǩä��O�M�w���Ѫ��ߤ@�]��: �S�O�O��A���u�q�ζ����ǨS�H�n�����~��(��, �S�H�n). �t�~�]�i�঳����"����"�ζ�, �Y�ϧ��������o�ǪF��o�٬O�వ�X���ܥ@�ɪ��ڤ۳n��. ���L�������~��L�H���@��, �p�G�A���o12��ư��n, �N��إߤ@�ӯ�í�w�X�f����߹ζ�.

Joel on Software - ��սͳn�� �߱o�@

��A�i�J���p��, �n�~����ä������. �ڪ��@�ѳq�`���O�o�ˤl��: (1) �W�Z (2) �ݫH�ݺ���� (3) �M�w3�ӦY�L�ȶ���A���� (4) �Y���ȶ��^�� (5) �ݫH�ݺ���� (6) �ש�M�߸Ӷ}�l�F�� (7) �ݫH�ݺ���� (8) �A�פU�w�M�߯u���Ӷ}�l���� (9) ��Ӧ����s�边�s�X�ӵM�� (10) ���_�a�g�{�������M�o�{�w�g�U��7�I�b�F.

��8�B�M��9�B������G���I���D, �]���ڤ��O�C�����බ�Q��V�E��.

You and I Both Lyrics

You and I Both Lyrics

Was it you who spoke the words that things would happen but not to me
Oh things are gonna happen naturally
And taking your advice I'm looking on the bright side
And balancing the whole thing
But often times those words get tangled up in lines
And the bright lights turn to night
Until the dawn it brings
A little bird who'll sing about the magic that was you and me

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
What you and I spoke of
Others only dream of the love that I love

See I'm all about them words
Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words
Hundreds of pages, pages, pages forwards
More words then I had ever heard and I feel so alive
Now you and I, you and I
Not so little you and I anymore
And with this silence brings a moral story
more importantly evolving is the glory of a boy

you and I both loved what you and I spoke of
and others just read of and if you could see now
well I'm already finally out of

and it's okay if you have go away
just remember the telephone works both ways
and if I never ever hear it ring
if nothing else I'll think the bells inside
have finally found you someone else and that's okay
cause I'll remember everything you sang

you and I both loved what you and I spoke of
and others just read of and if you could see now
well I'm already finally out of words.


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�u���ܦn��!!! Google Blog

Google Blog: "Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Dobro Pozhalovat, Mr. President
When I shook Mikhail Gorbachev's hand, my heart was pounding. We get a fair number of prominent visitors at Google, but none have thrilled me more than my former President, the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize winner for his efforts to free the Soviet bloc. Gorbachev has been my hero and inspiration for most of my life. A lot of Russians have mixed feelings about his presidency, but I always felt he was the only Russian leader who wasn't seeking power for its own sake, but because he wanted to make the world a better place for everyone.

He still does. Speaking to a hall full of rapt Googlers, Gorbachev, now a spry 73, talked about how since 1992 he has been President of Green Cross International (its American affiliate is Global Green USA) which advocates for an environmentally sustainable global community. 'We cannot go on with our business-as-usual attitude' toward the environment, he warned. 'Young people should be watchful. Don't forget this is your world, and you have to search for solutions.'

What struck me most is the way, after all he's seen and experienced, Gorbachev insists on maintaining the sort of focused positive thinking that, say, a young tech company could learn from. Green Cross's quarterly magazine, for instance, is called The Optimist. And its slogan? 'Looking beyond the horizon.'

Lydia Shtarkman
Corporate Development
(Former USSR citizen)
Posted @ 3:00 PM / Permanent Link"