星期一, 3月 28, 2005

JS for dymanic textarea

// Dynamicly Size Things
function stretch() {
var f = document;
var stretchElement = f.getElementById("postBody");
var optionHeight = 5;
var winHeight = f.documentElement.offsetHeight;
var winWidth = "";

if (window.innerHeight) {
winHeight = window.innerHeight
} else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
winHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight
} else if (document.body) {
winHeight = document.body.clientHeight

var toolHeight = f.getElementById("toolbar").offsetHeight;
var headerHeight = f.getElementById("header").offsetHeight;
var otherHeight = f.getElementById("otherFields").offsetHeight;

var fullHeight = winHeight-toolHeight-headerHeight-otherHeight-optionHeight;

stretchElement.style.height = fullHeight + "px";

// Set onload Focus


// Debug
//alert("fullHeight: " + fullHeight + "\n\nwinHeight: " + winHeight + "\ntoolHeight: " + toolHeight + "\nheaderHeight" + headerHeight);

MIME 3.0


use MIME::Lite;

$msg = MIME::Lite->new(
To => "littledd\@gmail.com",
Subject => 'HTML with in-line images!',
Type => 'multipart/related'

Type => 'text/html',
Data => qq{

Here's my


$msg->attach(Type => 'image/jpeg',
Id => '<1111899875.Big.jpeg>',
Path => '1111899875.Big.jpeg',


MIME 3.0


use MIME::Lite;

$msg = MIME::Lite->new(
To => "littledd\@gmail.com",
Subject => 'HTML with in-line images!',
Type => 'multipart/related'

Type => 'text/html',
Data => qq{

Here's my


$msg->attach(Type => 'image/jpeg',
Id => '<1111899875.Big.jpeg>',
Path => '1111899875.Big.jpeg',


MIME 3.0


use MIME::Lite;

$msg = MIME::Lite->new(
To => "littledd\@gmail.com",
Subject => 'HTML with in-line images!',
Type => 'multipart/related'

Type => 'text/html',
Data => qq{

Here's my


$msg->attach(Type => 'image/jpeg',
Id => '<1111899875.Big.jpeg>',
Path => '1111899875.Big.jpeg',


MIME 3.0


use MIME::Lite;

$msg = MIME::Lite->new(
To => "littledd\@gmail.com",
Subject => 'HTML with in-line images!',
Type => 'multipart/related'

Type => 'text/html',
Data => qq{

Here's my


$msg->attach(Type => 'image/jpeg',
Id => '<1111899875.Big.jpeg>',
Path => '1111899875.Big.jpeg',


星期三, 3月 16, 2005

search.cpan.org: MIME::Lite - low-calorie MIME generator

search.cpan.org: MIME::Lite - low-calorie MIME generator: " $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
To =>'you@yourhost.com',
Subject =>'HTML with in-line images!',
Type =>'multipart/related'
$msg->attach(Type => 'text/html',
Data => qq{
Here's my image:

$msg->attach(Type => 'image/gif',
Id => 'myimage.gif',
Path => '/path/to/somefile.gif',